SNU International Summer Program (ISP) provides a variety of social and cultural programs which would help the participants better understand Korea in various aspects by visiting places that are geopolitically and culturally important and interacting with local people.
Regular Field Trip Every Friday
Here are some potential field trip locations:
Dynamic Korea: Visiting K-Pop / Movie / Drama Sets
- Visit the sets where Korean movies and dramas are made
Korea of the Past:Trips to Cultural Heritage Sites of Korea
- Guide you to the most unique and authentic travel experiences
City Tour of Seoul
- Walk through the major spots of Seoul. ex) Blue house, National Assemly
SNU-Fun Classes: Various One-Day Classes for Free
- Learn how to cook Korean food and enjoying eating the dishes you created with your group
- Play the K-Games seen from Korean movies and dramas
- Learn Choreography from popular k-pop music or why not experience the art and beauty of Korean traditional/contemporary dance
- You can also master Taekwondo moves with your friends
In-class trips to major companies
- Visit major Korean companies and experience job shadowing