SNU International Summer Program (ISP) offers a variety of scholarships:
* Students can benefit from ONLY one scholarship.
** All required documents must be submitted together with the online application.
** All required documents must be submitted together with the online application.

Early Registration Scholarship
Students who complete the online application and course registration by the early-bird deadline (April 7, Korean Standard Time)
Automatically applied :
Please note that for additional course registrations after the early-bird deadline, early bird benefits do not apply anymore.
A complete application includes the application fee payment and course registration. Early-bird registrants receive a tuition invoice at the discounted price. As international wire-transfer may take a few days, applicants can submit proof of payment.
Korean/East Asian Study Scholarship
Students who are currently majoring in Korean or East Asian Study at overseas universities
Automatically applied :
Applicants must fill in their major correctly in the online application and provide proof with an academic transcript.
Partner University Scholarship
Students who are currently attending a student exchange partner university of SNU or APRU, AEARU, AUA, AUF member university
Automatically applied :
Eligible applicants must fill in their home university correctly in the online application and provide proof with an academic transcript.
Other Scholarships
Students who satisfy one of the criteria below must submit proof along with their online application to be eligible for the reduced tuition.
Type | Returnees | Siblings | SNU Alumni |
Eligibility | Students who have previously attended SNU International Summer Program (ISP) | Siblings who enroll at SNU International Summer Program (ISP) together OR Students whose sibling has previously attended SNU International Summer Program (ISP) | Students whose parents have graduated from SNU (SNU Alumni) |
Scholarship | 20% reduced tuition | 20% reduced tuition | 20% reduced tuition |
Required Documents | Certificate of Completion from previous SNU International Summer Program (ISP) or any other proof documents | Proof of family relationship (for the latter case, Certificate of Completion from previous SNU International Summer Program (ISP) of sibling’s) |
Proof of family relationship Copy of the parent's Certificate of Graduation from SNU |