★2025 SNU ISP All About Courses(3.17.Ver) ★
※ 서울대학교 본교생 대상 수강신청 절차 및 수강편람(교과목번호, 개설대학 포함)는 본 게시판 및 마이스누 포털-학생공지에 추후 업데이트될 예정입니다.
(For current SNU students, detailed course registration instruction will be given through this notice and mySNU portal later.)
※ 강의계획서는 계속 업데이트 될 수 있으며, 이 경우 본 게시물 하단에 히스토리 형식으로 게시 예정
(Syllabus may continue to be updated, and the updated course will be posted at the bottom of this post.)
※ Class Room info: Building number+ room number
ex) 501-203 means Bldg. 501+room 203(second floor)
2025 SNU ISP List of Courses
▶ Course Registration Procedure
1. Application on https://summer.snu.ac.kr
2. Wait for document check
3. Get a Course Registration Survey(You'll get a link for Course Registration individually.)
- Students can take up to 3 courses that do not overlap in time.
- Each course has a varying registration quota and course registration will be executed on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Online course registration for SNU students will be open to applicants after May, through mySNU (https://my.snu.ac.kr). International applicants must in advance complete online application and acquire SNU student number to access the system.
- ISP courses are prioritized to international applicants, whose registration is available throughout the application period, from January to May 1st. To those who complete online application, SNU will send an e-mail guide for registration instruction.
- 4. You'll get an invoice for all your registration via Flywire.(application fee, tuition fee etc.)
- Please check the attached file.(The TBA blank will be added continuously.)
- According to the course registration results(In case of insufficient attendance), course cancellation decision could be made.
- The course list is tentative and will be continuously updated.
▣ UPDATE History
1. (updated as of 5 March)
The course name has changed from "Statistics for Economists" to "Basic Statistics for Economists."
2. (updated as of 17 March)
Module numbers for all courses have been updated except for "Introduction to the Ottoman Empire."
- (게시용)2025 SNU ISP List of Courses(25.3.17.).xlsx (65 KB, download:151)