
International Summer Program, SNU

★2025 SNU ISP All About Courses(1.31.Ver) ★

January 31, 2025l Hit 476

※ 서울대학교 본교생 대상 수강신청 절차 및 수강편람(교과목번호, 개설대학 포함)는 본 게시판 및 마이스누 포털-학생공지에 추후 업데이트될 예정입니다. 
(For current SNU students, detailed course registration instruction will be given through this notice and mySNU portal later.)

※ 강의계획서는 계속 업데이트 될 수 있으며, 이 경우 본 게시물 하단에 히스토리 형식으로 게시 예정
(Syllabus may continue to be updated, and the updated course will be posted at the bottom of this post.)

※ Class Room info:  Building number+ room number 
ex) 501-203 means Bldg. 501+room 203(second floor)

2025 SNU ISP List of Courses

▶ Course Registration Procedure

1. Application on

2. Wait for document check

3. Get a Course Registration Survey(You'll get a link for Course Registration individually.)

  • Students can take up to 3 courses that do not overlap in time.
  • Each course has a varying registration quota and course registration will be executed on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • Online course registration for SNU students will be open to applicants after May, through mySNU ( International applicants must in     advance complete online application and acquire SNU student number to access the system.
  • ISP courses are prioritized to international applicants, whose registration is available throughout the application period, from January to May 1st. To those who complete online application, SNU will send an e-mail guide for registration instruction.
  • 4. You'll get an invoice for all your registration via Flywire.(application fee, tuition fee etc.)
▶ List of 2025 ISP Courses

   - Please check the attached file.(The TBA blank will be added continuously.)

   - According to the course registration results(In case of insufficient attendance), course cancellation decision could be made.

   - The course list is tentative and will be continuously updated. 

 Attachement (1)